
Through My Own Eye: Mission Update 5/6/2016-Gag Law and Zumba

Hey comrades,

This project is really moving along well. So many folks are coming together to help make this happen. The folks at KBOO 90.7 FM have lend their hand and knowledge to the project. If we can score an iphone 5 we can convert it into a fine camera and make this a multimedia project.

We have raised in $345 in the last 20 days thanks to folks like yourselves and will soon be able to purchase airfare. We still have a long way to go. Fortunately some folks have gone out of their way to help.

Amaru Equis is hosting a Zumba Fundraiser on June 17th at Laurelhurst Park from 6pm-730pm. Preferred donations $10 but we are socialist so no one will be turned away if they do not have money. It will be worth it to see me try to keep up.

Kelsey Schomberger will be contributing prints of Pedro Albizu Campos that she painted for this project. We chose Campos because he is an Afrikan from Puerto Rico and was a political prisoner for many years. In 1948, eight years after the passing of the Smith Law in the U.S., the Puerto Rico Senate passed a Law 53, or Gag Law. The Gag Law was intended to repress any subversive materials or speech that undermined the colonial government and the imperialist United Snakes of Amerikkka. It was even illegal to display the Puerto Rican flag. Campos had a voice that was threatening enough that he was imprisoned many times. It was not until his final imprisonment that he was tortured during radiation experiments.  This part of my International Coalition Building Mission will expose life under modern day colonial rule. Even to this day the colonial government under the command of Amerikkkan corporations still works to repress any resistance to the occupation.
Kelsey will be selling his prints soon and all the profit will go into this project.

Thank you everyone that has offered help and a big thanks to my Aunt and Grandmother that will give me a spot to make camp while I'm on mission in Puerto Rico. If you are moved by this or just have a desire to know more about colonial simand Puerto Rico please feel free to make a contribution to the fundraising  page Through My Own Eyes. Be sure to listen to KBOO 90.7 FM on your radio or online for more updates from July to November 2016. Track us on Facebook and follow me on Twitter @SteveElepan Thank you and remember…


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