Agent Orange was tested in the united states before being deployed in Vietnam. Puerto Rico is only 3,515 sq. The USA drafted 65,000 people to then go fight in Vietnam on their behalf. Here is more data from the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Puerto Rico
Location: Las Mesas and La Jagua experimental areas at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Dates: 2/1956 - 6/1956
Project Description: During February to June, 9 chemicals were evaluated in PR on 16 genera tropical woody plants. The chemicals were applied in highly concentrated solutions with a microsprayer to the leaves.
Agents: 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, pentachlorophenol, ammate, weedazol, endothal Harvestaid, Butyne -1,4-diol
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Guanica and Joyuda, Puerto Rico
Dates: 6/1956 - 9/1956
Project Description: 9 chemicals were evaluated on 16 genera of tropical woody between June and September. The chemicals were sprayed to duplicate small branches, using a microsprayer.
Agents: 2,4,5-T, potassium cyanate, amiendo, F-2, 6-Ca-4, Y-F Tree and Brush Kiler, ACP M- 118, ShedA-Leaf
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Joyuda at Cabo Rojo, and Guanica Insular Forest at Guanica, Puerto Rico
Dates: 9/1956-12/1956
Project Description: 16 compounds with defoliating properties were evaluated using 28 different tropical woody plants, each representing a separate genus. The chemicals were applied to duplicate small branches with a microsprayer and to single larger branches or whole trees with a 2-gallon knapsack sprayer.
Agents: 6-Ca-4,Liojn Oil,2,4,5-T, B-1613, B-1638, Ammate, V-C1-186, endothal, shed-a-leaf, M-118, Y-F,esteron 2,4-D,F3,F4,F5,F6
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Guanica Beach, Puerto Rico
Dates: 1/1957 - 3/1957
Project Description: 7 compounds were evaluated on 29 different woody plants to determine their effectiveness as defoliants, desiccants, and as killing agents. They were applied with a microsprayer to the upper leaf surfaces of duplicate small branches.
Agents: V-C 3-105, V-C 1-21, V-C 1-443, F-7, TBP, Phillips 713, V-C 3-173
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Guanica Beach, Puerto Rico
Dates: 4/1957 - 6/1957
Project Description: 7 compounds were sprayed on 25 different plants in order to evaluate their effectiveness as defoliants, desiccants, and killing agents. The compounds were applied with a microsprayer to the upper and lower leaf surfaces of duplicate small branches.
Agents: B-1676, B-1638, NP 1098, SD 1369, Ammate, Shed-a-leaf
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Dates: 7/1957 - 12/1957
Project Description: 8 different spray formulations were applied to 16 different tropical trees and shrubs in order to evaluate their effectiveness as defoliants, desiccants, and killing agents.
Agents: MgClO3, Golden Harvest Defoliant, Dow-M562, F-8, F9, F-10, F-11, F-12
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Loquillo, Puerto Rico
Dates: 4/1966, 10/1966
Project Description: Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables.
Agents: Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Las Marias, Puerto Rico
Dates: 2/1967 - 12/1967
Project Description: During the period of 12/1966 - 10/1967, a comprehensive short-term evaluation was conducted by personnel from Fort Detrick's Plant Science Lab in coordination with contract research on formulations by chemical industry and field tests by USDA and U of HI.
Agents: Various, including Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Near Rio Grande, on the northeast coast of Puerto Rico
Dates: 8/23/1967, 10/18/1967, 12/21/1967-12/26/1967
Project Description: In 1967, the Dow Chemical Company was awarded a DoD research contract. The objective was to prepare as pellets mixtures of various herbicides and to test them on varying vegetation situations for the control of a range of plant species.
Agents: Picloram, bromacil, pyriclor, and terbacil
DoD Involvement: Undetermined
Location: Las Mesas Cerros, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Dates: 5/24/1968, 5/26/1968, 5/27/1968
Project Description: In 1967, the Dow Chemical Company was awarded a DoD research contract. The objective was to prepare as pellets mixtures of various herbicides and to test them on varying vegetation situations for the control of a range of plant species.
Agents: Picloram, bromacil, pyriclor
DoD Involvement: Undetermined
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